ULI Toronto: Milton: A Place of Possibility

At the western edge of the GTA, Milton is one of the youngest and most highly-educated populations in Ontario - and one of the fastest-growing communities in Canada. In the centre of North America’s hottest technology cluster, the Toronto-Waterloo Innovation Corridor, Milton is on one of the last greenfield frontiers in the GTA. With bold residential and employment growth plans, Milton has become one of the GTA's most attractive investment locations with a bold vision for the future.

Learn about Milton’s vision, including:

  • The Milton Education Village, including a future state-of-the-art Wilfrid Laurier University campus.

  • Plans for improved transit infrastructure and connectivity linking Milton’s urban growth areas.

  • Development of employment lands, including Derry Green Corporate Business Park and Trafalgar Corridor.

  • World-class athletic facilities (Mattamy National Cycling Centre) and natural assets (Niagara Escarpment and Giant's Rib GeoPark System).

  • Intensification and adaptive re-use of existing employment areas to high-density mixed-use areas.

Annette Gilgan, Principal, Gilbach Real Estate Development
Jill Hogan, Director, Planning Policy & Urban Design, Town of Milton
Barb Koopmans, Commissioner, Planning and Development, Town of Milton
Mayor Gordon Krantz, Town of Milton
Jeff Miller, Head of Industrial, Oxford Properties Group
Nick Mocan, Partner, Crozier & Associates Consulting Engineers


ULI Toronto: Curtner Leadership Program - Community Presentation
